5 Steps to Becoming a More Positive Person

This post is all about how to become a more positive person.

Many of us believe that being a positive person is a gift we are granted at birth.

The truth of the matter is that positivity is not an inherited personality trait, it is a learned decision… and sometimes a difficult one.

This does not mean to simply ignore unpleasant situations in life, but to alter our perceptions and reactions to focus on the BEST parts of that situation, not the worst.

optimistic idioms
Being a positive person means putting in the effort to see the good in every situation, even if the situation isn’t.

Here are the 5 simple and PROVEN steps on how to become a more positive person.

1.) Focus on the good

For most of us, our brains immediately shift to the most negative part about a situation. This is called negativity bias, or focusing on one negative aspect in a sea of positive.

This does not mean we are negative people, but more so that we have trained our brains to respond that way.

thinking positively

The good news is that we all have the ability to shift our mindset.

To do this begins with the understanding that our innate nature is to think negatively. The problem isn’t the actual negativity, but the tendency for us to believe the negativity is actually true.

When we consciously start focusing on our thoughts and feelings, we can call ourselves out on the negativity. When a negative thought or feeling arises, we can immediately identify it and change it to positive.

Eventually this will train our mindset to immediately jump to a positive aspect about the situation, and no longer a negative. This is a concept that takes a LOT of practice, but you absolutely have the ability to do it!

2.) Practice positive self-talk

Here are the basic ground rules for positive self talk:

1.) Refer to yourself in the third person.

This helps you see ourselves more objectively, giving us a better chance that what we say will be positive.

2.) Think of yourself as your best friend.

Speaking to ourselves as if you we are speaking to our best friend helps us develop self love, respect and appreciation.

3.) Start your day with positive affirmations

If we begin our day telling ourselves  “I accept myself for who I am”, “I am proud of myself” or “Today I will do the best I can possibly do”, we will have set a positive ground for the rest of the day.

4.) Check in with yourself throughout the day.

It’s important to remind ourselves that we are doing great. Encouragement and praise from others can be uplifting, but the most powerful support often comes from within.

When we praise ourselves for even the smallest of victories, we boost our own confidence that will continue to fuel more growth and positivity.

Remember that no one else is as hard on ourselves than ourselves!


3.) Incorporate mental exercises into your day

Add positive mental exercises into your everyday routine.

Just as physical exercises strengthen the body, mental exercises can build mental resilience, reduce stress, and increase overall happiness.

positive self talk examples

These could include:

  • Meditation
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Expressing gratitude
  • Breathing exercises
  • Manifestation
  • Mindfulness

"Happiness is not by chance, but by choice."

4.) Change up your routine

How we choose to live our day to day lives will directly influence our mental health and how we perceive the world.


Routines can be the reason we feel stagnant or continue falling into a negative mindset.


how to think positive when depressed

Introducing small positive changes into our daily routines is a proven way to shift our perspectives on life and boost a positive mindset.


These changes could include:

  • Listening to a motivational podcast on your way to work.
  • Reducing social media time to spend more time with family.
  • Writing what you are grateful for in a journal before bed.
  • Trying a new hobby.
  • Starting your day with exercise.
  • Taking outdoor walks on your lunch breaks.
  • Experimenting with new healthy recipes.

5.) Surround yourself with positivity

The environment and people we surround ourselves with also directly impacts our mental and emotional well being as well as outlook we will have on life.


Positive Environments

The physical environment can greatly affect our mood and mindset. 

positive thinking exercises

Opting for positive environments could include:

  • Choosing food and drink environments that are bright and uplifting.
  • Adding touches of your family and pets to your office workspace.
  • Spending time in natural settings such as parks, beaches or hiking trails.
  • Creating a living space that reflects who you are and what you love.
  • Making cleaning and organization a priority.
Positive People

Although positive environments are important, the people we surround ourselves with have the most impact on our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

benefits of positive thinking

Show me your friends and i''ll show you your future


The people we allow into our lives can be the difference between us being healthy, uplifted and motivated or pessimistic, angry and irresponsible.

It is important to choose people who uplift, encourage, and motivate us to be the best version of ourselves ALL of the time- not just when it’s convenient for them.


Reflecting on current relationships and setting boundaries on negative influences may be difficult. However, replacing our time with individuals who bring out the best in us will have more of an impact on not only our positive mindset but our quality of life.