14 effective home remedies for cough

11 Natural Remedies for Cough in Kids

This post is all about natural remedies for cough in kids.

It’s that time of year again where sickness is inevitable. One person in the family picks up a bug, and eventually the whole house has it.

home remedies for cough at night

According to this article by the National Library of Medicine, the most common reason for visits to a PCP is due to Upper Respiratory Infections and coughing.

While us adults can push through these sicknesses without much difficulty, it isn’t that easy for many of our littles.

Although coughing is one of our body’s defense mechanisms to get rid of viruses and bacteria, excessive coughing can interfere with children’s sleep, schoolwork, physical activity and can end up causing some major headaches.

While convenient, don’t be too quick to reach for that over-the-counter liquid cough medicine as your first line of defense.

According to this article on GoodRx.com, over-the-counter cough medications like Delsym, Robitussin and Sudafed can cause an array of unpleasant side effects in our kids such as:


-Agitation and hyperactivity



-Fast heartbeat


And in some cases:




Not only do they come with side effects, but they also contain unwanted ingredients including harmful sweeteners, thickeners, flavors and dyes.


The Placebo Effect

There has been much discussion and argument on whether over-the-counter cough medications are actually effective.

Many research studies have tested the active ingredient in cough medications against placebo treatments. Due to the fact that coughing in itself is actually voluntary, the placebo effect could be the most powerful method of action in these medications. 

This article proved that many over the counter cough medications were shown to have no more effectiveness than a placebo. So much so that a whopping 85% of the test subjects claimed to have had a reduction or cessation in cough with the placebo treatment alone.

That is a whole lot of people convinced that essentially NOTHING has cured their cough!

FUN FACT: Many well-known over-the-counter cough medications have actually been derived from and contain natural ingredients such as menthol, honey, licorice extract, eucalyptus oil and marshmallow root.


Treatment options for kids should come with an acceptable risk to benefit ratio and unfortunately, the majority of over-the-counter cough medications on the market today do not fit that criterion.

Here are 11 easy, effective and natural remedies for cough in kids!


1.) Honey


Honey is one of the most well-known and effective natural treatments for a cough.


This is due to the fact that it:

-has a thick consistency that coats the throat to help soothe inflammation and irritation

-helps kill bacteria causing the cough

-has anti-tussive properties that suppress the cough reflex

In this study, it was found that honey was as effective as the ingredient Dextromorphan (an  ingredient used in many over the counter cough medications) for coughing.

Another article states, “Honey did a better job reducing the severity, frequency and bothersome nature of nighttime cough from upper respiratory infection than dextromorpohan” 

The best way to consume honey is in its unpasteurized, uncooked form.


***It is important to note that honey should not be given to kids 1 year or younger due to risk of a potentially very severe illness called Botulism.


2.) Drinking Warm Liquids


This includes:

-warm water




These liquids will soothe the throat, provide electrolytes for extra hydration and can even clear a stuffy nose that may be causing a post nasal drip cough.


3.) Raw Garlic



Although not your child’s first choice of food when sick, garlic can be a potent remedy for cough.

The main chemical in garlic, allicin, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune boosting properties.

Garlic can also aid in loosening mucous in the lungs making it easier to cough up.


4.) Thyme



Thyme is an herb that has been used for hundreds of years as a remedy for a dry cough.

This also has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well as antispasmodic properties to help relax the muscles of the throat which helps lessen the cough reflex.

According to this study, researchers have found that a combination of thyme, primrose and English ivy reduced the severity and frequency of cough.



5.) Hot Steam



One of the easiest ways to relieve your child’s cough is to have them sit in the bathroom while the shower runs on its hottest setting.

This has many benefits including:

-loosening mucus

-relieves nasal congestion and sinus pressure

-warming and moistening the respiratory tract

-provides relaxation and comfort

The hot air has also been found to kill off the bacteria and viruses causing the cough.


6.) Cool- Mist Humidifier



A cool- mist humidifier is another easy way to passively help with a cough- especially for nighttime coughing.


Humidifiers can help by:

-moistening dry air

-reducing irritation

-loosens mucous

Be sure to properly sanitize your humidifier after very use to prevent mold and bacteria growth.

Use distilled water only.


6.) Gargling Warm Salt Water



Gargling warm salt water is especially useful with alleviating a productive cough. This remedy should only be used with older children who understand not to swallow the salt water.

This helps by:

-loosening the mucous

-can lessen inflammation

-has been shown to kill off bacteria

Mix ½ tsp of salt with 8 oz of water and have your child gargle for as long as they can tolerate. Repeat as often as necessary.



7.) Menthol/Peppermint



Menthol is one of the ingredients used in many over the counter cough medications, cough drops, vaporizers and topical rubs.

Menthol is known to:

-suppress the cough reflex by soothing the throat

-clear nasal passages and help with post nasal drip cough

-loosen the mucous in the chest and throat, making it easier to cough up

-reduce irritation and inflammation in the respiratory tract.


8.) Marshmallow Root



Unfortunately, this natural remedy isn’t exactly as tasty as it sounds.

Marshmallow root comes from the “Althaea officinalis” plant which has been a very important addition to many alternative medicine treatments.


It has many properties that aide in cough suppression including:

-“Mucilage”: a sticky substance found in the plant that coats the throat, soothing irritation and inflammation

-anti-inflammatory properties

-moistening of the mucous membranes

-immune system support


This pair of studies consisting of 822 people, tested the efficacy of marshmallow root (via lozenges and syrup) on a dry cough.

Researchers found that marshmallow root not only relieved the test subject’s cough, but also started working in as little as 10 minutes.


**Many “herbal” over-the-counter cough medications include marshmallow root in their ingredients.


9.) Ginger


Ginger contains a compound called “glucan” which has been shown to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.


Glucan also acts as a strong natural expectorant that helps loosen and expel mucous from the lungs. This can be especially helpful in children with a productive cough.


10.) Pineapple



Pineapple contains an enzyme, “bromelain”, which has shown to have strong anti-inflammatory and mucous thinning properties.

It has also been shown to have a positive effect bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory illnesses.               

According to this study, Tuberculosis patients recovered “4.8x faster” when given pineapple juice rather than cough syrup.


Additional Tips

It is recommended to steer clear of serving your child:

-ice cream




-or any other dairy or sugary foods.

Consuming these foods only feeds the bacteria and viruses causing the cough leaving children to stay sick for longer.

Encouraging foods rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids is important to healing from any sickness!


*Recipe Ideas*

-Drink warm tea with lemon.

-Fill a bowl of hot water. Add crushed garlic, grated ginger, thyme and peppermint oil. Inhale steam.

-Drink crushed garlic tea with honey.

-Sip garlic in chicken or bone broth.

-Drink thyme or peppermint tea or syrup.

-Drop menthol essential oil in shower. Turn shower to hottest setting. Close door to bathroom and inhale steam.

-Add menthol essential oil to humidifier and inhale.

-Apply menthol rub to chest before bed

(Vicks VapoRub)