money manifestation

How to Manifest Money: A Million Dollar Success Story

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Manifestation is often a misunderstood concept that many people chalk up to be wishful thinking or just pure luck. However, what many do not know is that according to one of the most powerful laws of the universe, the Law of Attraction, you are manifesting everything that happens in your reality, all of the time. 


That’s right- the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between are a product of your past thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions.


Unfortunately, manifestation is not as easy as some have made it seem. You can’t just close your eyes and imagine you already have something for 30 seconds and the next day it will appear.

money manifestation

Manifestation involves steps to aligning your mindset and energy, as well as a deep internal process of shedding your old self and raising your vibrational frequency.


Christine Nguyen sets the perfect example that with some internal effort, it IS possible to go from having zero knowledge about manifestation, to successfully manifesting absolutely whatever your heart desires faster than you could ever imagine.


"I think it (manifestation) can be super simple and super easy and it comes about in such unexpected ways. Even when things feel impossible, it can still come about"

How to Manifest Money with Christine Nguyen

manifesting moneyMeet Christine Nguyen, a spiritual manifestation coach, who has successfully manifested over 1 million dollars.

Christine began her spiritual journey after a 6 year relationship breakup that began her spiritual awakening.


From that point on, Christine dedicated herself to deepening her understanding of her own intuition in the form of energy work, subconscious reprogramming and working with her spirit guides.

Christine’s First Manifestation: $10,000

After small manifestations here and there that eventually came to fruition, Christine set out to manifest $10,000. She said she tried to manifest this 10k for what seemed to be forever, but it wasn’t until she focused on her energy and intention that she became successful.


CHRISTINE: “I tried to manifest $10,000 for the longest time, but it didn’t happen until I started working with energy. I started clearing out the density in my energy field, the shadow and the things that were making me unable to become fluid.”


She also says that what helped her to manifest this first 10k was teaching herself how to become detached from the amount of money she wanted. She began to stray away from the sense of urgency and need for this money as it was causing a feeling of lack- which according to the Law of Attraction, was only giving her more lack.


CHRISTINE: “I learned to not be attached to the number. I learned to detach myself of that. I was trying and it wasn’t working because I was in the mindset and the emotions of ‘I don’t have it yet'”

She says she started tuning into her senses and becoming more conscious of what she was thinking and how she was feeling and becoming more intentional with setting aside time to work on herself energetically.


CHRISTINE: “It’s not just ‘Oh, I want this or that’ and then you react to life on autopilot and let your programs run your life. You are intentionally taking the time out to create the space and the atmosphere you want to feel”


After tuning more into her senses, working on her energy and focusing on intention, she finally successfully manifested not only $10,000, but $13,000, after intervening with her mom sending money to a scammer online.


CHRISTINE: “My mom was talking to someone on the internet that had requested money from her a few times and she sent it. Then my mom deposited $13,000 into my bank account and said ‘Send it to this person’. I said ‘Wait, this person looks a little sketchy’, and basically what I found out is that she was talking to a scammer. Then my mom said ‘Well, you saved me from sending more money to the scammer, so save that $13,000 and use it for yourself”


Christine’s Second Manifestation: $100,000

A year after successfully manifesting $13,000, she set out to manifest something bigger- $100,000.


When she began manifesting the 100k, she says she didn’t know what it was going to be for or how it was going to come to her. She continued to work on her intention, energy work and subconscious reprogramming, but this time, she was going to have fun with it.


CHRISTINE: “When I was manifesting $100,000, I didn’t know what it was for. I was just like you know what, I’m going to play with this and have fun with this and I am open to receiving it in whichever form it comes in”


Then, in the most unexpected way, she received not 100k, but $130,000, in the form of a down payment on a house that she wasn’t even looking for.


CHRISTINE: “My family went through a lot of crazy things during COVID and they wanted to protect their assets somehow. My grandma started telling my dad to get me a house. So they put down $130,000 on a house for me”


After this, Christine set out on the biggest manifestation she had ever done, 1 million dollars.

Christine’s Third Manifestation: $1,000,000

At this point, Christine became confident in her ability to manifest. She was deep into her work of shedding her old self and introducing something new, nervous system regulation.


CHRISTINE: “During this time, I was working with nervous system regulation, but I wasn’t aware that I was doing that until I learned about it later. It was mainly working on surrendering. Working on shedding away the shadow and the limitations”


5 months later, something happened that Christine wouldn’t have ever thought possible:


CHRISTINE: “My aunt wanted to sell one of her businesses but she didn’t know how. Then some legal matter happened with her and selling her business which caused a ripple effect within the whole family. Everyone was shocked and freaked out and they wanted to protect their own assets so names were being transferred across the whole family. So then I got a few properties transferred to my name and I think it was just over $1,300,000 of asset transfer”


Christine’s Next Manifestation: 10 Million

Christine is now in the process of manifesting 10 million dollars. She explains that because she has been so successful in manifesting money before, she has no doubt that the 10 million dollars will come to her.


CHRISTINE: “I believe you can manifest things without even having to go outside and do anything external. From the 5,6,7 figures that I have manifested, I didn’t have to try to do anything external like start something or pickup different jobs. But now that I am manifesting 8 figures, an inspiration has popped into my consciousness and I am acting on it”


Where to Find Christine

Christine has now dedicated her life to helping others shed those layers of their old self to becoming successful manifestors just like her.


She now has a free e-book where she goes over:

  • The 7 principles of wealth

  • What wealth means

  • How to energetically embody wealth instead of only intellectualizing it

  • How to elevate your wealth consciousness by elevating your well-being

  • The framework that I used to heal my self-worth wounds (and still continuously do)

  • 3 actions to support you in embodying wealth consciousness


She also offers her own self- paced program which teaches the exact practices and frameworks that she used to generate 5, 6, and 7 figures.


USE COUPON CODE “biohackers500” FOR $500 OFF!

Christine’s Website:


Christine’s FREE Ebook:


Christine’s Signature Program, “Rewrite Your Million Dollar Story”:


Christine’s TikTok + Instagram handle:



The book Christine read that began her journey to manifestation:

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Hardcover, paperback, Audiobook and Kindle versions available.

Buy Now
09/13/2024 10:00 am GMT

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