we are

The Holistic Biohackers

A husband and wife, mom and dad duo- who found a passion for balancing the mind, body and soul to achieve motivation, personal growth and true abundance in life!

The story of

The Holistic Biohackers

We are Hunter and Kelsey Caudle: a husband and wife of 7 years and mom and dad of a 3, 5 and 11 year old.
And we are…
The real beginning of The Holistic Biohackers began in January, 2024 when we set out to find true abundance in our lives.
Our definition of abundance is:
An overwhelmingly positive and fulfilled outlook on life & and a feeling that you have more than you ever need despite your external situation or material items.
Because in reality, isn’t that the ultimate goal?
And this wasn’t our goal because we weren’t happy people. It was our goal because both of us have ALWAYS had a feeling that there was a missing piece to our life puzzle; an emptiness that we filled with outside, material things.
“When we get a bigger house, we will be happier”
“If I had a drink, I would be happier”
“When the kids get a little older, we will be happier”
“If I lost some weight, I would be happier”
“When we make more money, we will be happier”
It was constantly an, “if this, then that” quid pro quo standard that wasn’t attainable.
And for over THIRTY years, both of us truly felt this way. That something we did externally was going to magically change our mindset, our thought patterns, our life perspective; and THEN we would be truly happy.
Well, come to find out… it doesn’t work that way.
And although those things may have made us happy for a short period of time- our mindset, thought patterns and perspective on life quickly went back to what it was before.
That is until we decided to fully invest ourselves into figuring out what was REALLY going to make us feel abundant.
We had already created “The Holistic Biohackers” brand, but we didn’t fully know what “holistic” really meant- although we thought we did.
Through our own personal experiences and my nursing background, we DID know what we were passionate about. And that was the power of healing the body and the mind using natural methods.
Hunter became fully invested in shifting our family’s mindset because that is where he was getting the most results, and Kelsey was seeing more progress focused on healing our physical body’s.
However, we were not on the same page or holistically balancing ANY of it.
Kelsey became obsessed with every way she could heal the body. She was fasting a ridiculous amount of time, had her entire family searching local grocery stores for pounds of organic celery to juice, and convinced everyone we were all infested with parasites.
And Hunter was so dedicated to spreading positivity that he almost bought $10,000 worth of “Positive Potato” plushies; and I cannot even begin to tell you how many time’s a day he asked, “Soooo.. what are you grateful for?”
None of the things we were doing were particularly “bad” or “wrong”, but in our vast efforts to figure out what the key to abundance was, we were losing sight of the big picture.
We were (overly) focused on the health of our minds and body’s, but we were neglecting the third aspect of holistic health- the soul; and faith in something bigger than ourselves.
Neither of us had ever really been religious, nor gone to church since we were kids, but when we realized we weren’t diving deep enough into holistic health, we decided we should probably try it.
“Maybe finding a church home will be the answer to our happiness”, we thought.
After weeks of touring churches of all denominations and still not coming to an “ah-ha” moment, we felt very lost and discouraged.
Then, we decided to do what we do best: obsessively research.
When it felt like our faith in something, ANYTHING, was never going to click and our prayers to an unknown source weren’t being answered, it fell in our lap, literally- through an Instagram post.
We had found the spiritual answers we were looking for and most amazingly, it was the “ah- ha” moment that made everything click for both of us.
We then spent our free time digging even deeper into our spirituality, our beliefs and our faith which has added an even more eye-opening layer into what “abundance” truly meant.
Since fully integrating the health of our mind, body AND soul into our lives… we have figured it out.

our KEy to abundance is...

The Knowledge, health and balance of the mind, body and soul.

The Knowledge:

The deep knowledge and understanding of the mind, body and soul which will allow you to lay the foundation.


The Health:

The health and vitality of the mind, body and soul which will allow you to grow and achieve goals.


The Balance:

And most importantly, the balance of the mind, body and soul that will allow you to come into the now moment and TRULY FEEL ABUNDANT.


While we will never have ALL the answers, we do know that the journey we have taken to get to this point was given to us at exactly the right time, in exactly the right order and that we have discovered something amazing all on our own.


Through The Holistic Biohackers blog and podcast as well as You Vs. You Personal Growth– our personal growth community, course and coaching programs- we are on a mission to guiding you on YOUR holistic health journey while taking you along while we continue ours.


Let’s hack our health together!

-Hunter and Kelsey

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