
does diet soda break a fast

Does Diet Soda Break a Fast?

Diet soda. While there is a lot of controversy whether or not diet soda is healthier than regular soda, there is also debate about if diet soda breaks your fast or not.

While diet soda itself contains minimal to no calories, its artificial sweeteners may still trigger a metabolic response in the body.

will mio break my fast

Does Mio Break a Fast?

Mio, a brand of liquid water enhancers, has gained a lot of popularity in recent years as a tasty flavor addition to your bland water. With “MIO sport”, “MIO energy”, “MIO vitamins”, etc… this water enhancer can be tailored to anyone and everyone.
But for those fasters out there, will this sugarless and seemingly harmless addition to your water hinder your fasting efforts?

does sugar free gum break a fast

Does Sugar Free Gum Break a Fast?

When answering the question if sugar-free gum breaks a fast or not, it is crucial to know the exact ingredients in the brand of gum in question.

Typically, “sugar-free” gum is still sweetened with sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol, or mannitol instead of regular sugar. These sugar alcohols DO have fewer calories compared to traditional sugar, however, it does not mean they are will not spike your blood sugar and break your fast.

will stevia break your fast

Does Stevia Break a Fast?

One of the most common question we get asked is- “Does stevia break a fast?”. With so much conflicting information about stevia (and just artificial sweeteners in general), it can be overwhelming to determine what is classified to actually break your fast.

So cut out the fluff, get right to it and put this question to rest once and for all.

how long to see benefits of infrared sauna

How Long to See Benefits of Infrared Sauna?

If you’re someone who struggles with stagnant weight, poor sleep, low metabolism, pain or even stress, incorporating infrared sauna sessions into your routine may provide numerous benefits.

how cold should an ice bath be

How Cold Should an Ice Bath Be?

Ice baths, aka cold plunging, have gained popularity for the myriad of benefits they can provide. However, there seems to be a common misconception that the colder the water, the better the results.

The truth is, colder isn’t always better and there are many factors to consider when determining the ideal temperature for your ice bath.

how long should i sit in a sauna

How to Sauna: Essential Tips For Beginners

If you’re new to sauna-ing, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we put together this guide on how to sauna for beginners. With these essential tips, you will learn the basics of the sauna, where to sauna, why you want to sauna and exactly how to do it.

how to sauna

How Many Calories Do You Burn in a Sauna?

As your body works to cool itself down, it begins to sweat, using energy in the process. While the sauna experience might feel like passive activity, your body is actively working on the inside, leading to a calorie burn.

2 minute cold plunge benefits

9 Cold Plunge Benefits You Probably Didn’t Know About

Stepping into cold water can stimulate a variety of physical responses. These responses can provide a multitude of mental and physical health benefits that can be difficult to achieve with other strategies.

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