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6 Tips for Connecting With Nature to Improve Your
Outlook on Life

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Although all of us come into contact with nature every day, majority of us are not CONNECTING with nature. 


With busy schedules and our laundry list of responsibilities, it is easy to forget the wholesome beauty and calming peace mother nature has to offer us.


Creating time in your day to “stop and smell the roses” can be a powerful and FREE stress reliever that can have a profound impact on our overall well-being and outlook on life.


By incorporating more outdoor activities and embracing the beauty of the world around us, we can boost our positivity and mental health. 


In this post, we will explore 6 effective tips for connecting with nature to improve your outlook on life!

calm nature

Why is Nature so Powerful? 

Nature serves as an incredible force that has the ability to center and ground us, revealing the simplicity and beauty in our existence.


Stepping into nature allows us to forget about the stress and hustle of our daily routines for just a moment to appreciate life’s beauty.


Amazingly, this simple connection is actually a vital component of our mental and emotional health.

nature and mental health

According to an article in the International Journal of Wellbeing, there have been a multitude of studies proving that a brief walk in nature is directly related to a boost in mood, increased satisfaction with life, increased feelings of wanting to be one’s authentic self, increased self- esteem, increased vitality and feeling more connected to something greater than oneself.



By engaging with natural environments, we open ourselves up to feelings of gratitude, living in the now and a sense of belonging to something greater than ourselves. All of which have the ability to heal our minds, bodies and souls.



1.) Prioritize Outdoor Activities and Exercise

benefits of nature

Integrating outdoor activities or exercise into your daily life is a powerful step toward connecting with nature.


  • Start your day with a brisk walk in the nearest park.
  • Choose to run on a trail outside the gym instead of inside on the treadmill.
  • Choose to ride your bike instead of driving to your destination.
  • Move your weekly yoga session to a shady area under a tree rather than in your living room.



The key to this tip is consistency and intentionality. Over time, these short moments spent outdoors will accumulate and lead to profound positive effects on your mood, mental health and perspective on life. 



A short walk outside could be your saving grace on a stressful day where nothing seems to go right!

2.) Utilize All Five Senses

To truly connect with nature, we must immerse ourselves fully using all five of our sense.

importance of nature

This holistic approach allows for a deeper, more meaningful experience with the natural world.



Ways you can connect with nature using your senses include:

  • Notice the vibrant colors, diversity of greens in the leaves and the delicate details of the flowers.
  • Close your eyes and tune into the natural sounds of rain, rustling leaves, chirping birds or a natural river or stream. 
  • Feel the texture of different plants or the smoothness of a polished stone.
  • Close your eyes and inhale to take in the fresh air, the scent of rain or the smell of flowers and plants.
  • Taste the natural offerings around you, such as fresh water from a mountain stream or edible plants and fruits (ensuring they are safe for consumption)


Engaging all five of your senses allows you to form a comprehensive and profound bond with nature, elevating your experiences to more than just visual.


3.) Find Nature Everywhere!

It is entirely possible to find areas of nature wherever you go- even in the most urban areas.

nature mental health

In the city, look for:

  • local city parks
  • river walks
  • community gardens;
  • or rooftop gardens


In the suburbs, look for:

  • nature trails or greenways
  • botanical gardens
  • lake front trails
  • nature centers


You can also consider making your daily commute or routine errands an opportunity to engage with nature as well. Choosing walking or biking over driving or taking a more scenic route to your destinations are easy ways to add more nature into your day!


4.) Bring Nature Inside

Connecting with nature doesn’t have to end at your doorstep. Bringing elements of the natural world into your indoor spaces can significantly increase your connection.

why is nature important

Some ideas to do this are:

  • Adding indoor plants and succulents
  • Decorating with items made from wood, stone, bamboo, and natural fibers
  • Opening curtains to allow in natural sunlight 
  • Adding a small indoor fountain
  • Lighting candles or incense 
  • Diffusing natural essential oils
  • Adding greenery to balconies, patios or window sills


All of these natural elements can play a crucial role in creating a serene indoor atmosphere and connecting with nature at any time of the day!


5.) Take Your Shoes Off

The practice of walking barefoot in nature (a.k.a “grounding” or “earthing”) can profoundly deepen your connection with the nature.

connecting with nature quotes

This simple act suggests that direct contact with the earth’s surface allows us to absorb its natural, stabilizing energy.



Other ways to ground yourself include:

  • Gardening
  • Swimming in a river, lake or pond
  • Having a picnic outdoors
  • Playing in the sand


This particular study in the Journal of Inflammation Research found that grounding can significantly improve chronic inflammation in the body, heighten immune function and even stimulate faster wound healing.



They also go on to refer to the earth’s surface as the “battery for all planetary life”.



Grounding has also been found to help:

  • Regulate our circadian rhythm
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Increase energy levels


Next time you find yourself outdoors, take a moment to remove your shoes and feel the earth underneath your feet. You will be amazed at how how it impacts your mood and overall sense of well-being! 


6.) Notice How You Feel

Being with nature isn’t only about physical activities or surrounding yourself with greenery; it’s about the emotional and psychological benefits and feelings you get.

how to connect with nature

While you are outside utilizing all the tips above,  turn your attention inward and observe the shifts in your emotions and mental state.



While in nature, you may notice a sense of calm during a walk in the forest or feel a burst of joy when watching birds fly from a tree. This is the feeling of “Oneness” and these moments are key to understanding the profound impact nature has on our well-being.



Make it a habit to check in with yourself during and after these natural encounters and ask yourself:

  • How has your stress level changed?
  • Do you feel more grounded or uplifted?
  • What was it that I liked most about nature today?


Recognizing these subtle emotional responses strengthens your connection with nature by highlighting its role as a source of peace and happiness in your life . 

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