kids detox

The Only Heavy Metal Detox for Kids I Will Ever Buy

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This post is all about the secret weapon I have found for kids behavior, sleep, food aversion and gut challenges- a heavy metal detox for kids you can trust.


I know how frustrating it can be to see your child struggle with behavior issues, poor sleep, and even food aversions. It can be exhausting to try countless solutions and not see any improvement.

symptoms of heavy metal toxicity in toddlers

But as a mom who has been there, I want to share with you the one heavy metal detox that has truly made a difference for my child.


After exhausting all other options to help my son feel better, I decided to give these products a try- and let me tell you, it was the best decision I could have made.

The heavy metal detox for kids products from Bioray have not only improved my child’s behavior and sleep quality, but it has also helped with his under eye circles, constant exhaustion, food aversions, temper andso much more… when nothing else worked.

If you’re a mom who’s been struggling to find a solution for your child’s challenges, I urge you to give this products a try. You won’t regret it.

Why We Turned to Bioray


Our journey with Bioray began with my four-year-old son’s struggles that seemed insurmountable. Sleep was almost non-existent, he was constantly tired with bags under his eyes, his behavior was a daily challenge and the reports from his teachers about overly hyper/physical behavior with other classmates were coming more and more frequently.

heavy metal detox

We saw our primary care physician multiple times, and each visit was a plea for answers. Some days he did really well, but those days were followed by even more days struggling. It was a constant roller coaster of not knowing what to expect every single morning.

This led us down a path of referrals – to an allergy doctor whose prescriptions brought no relief, to a sleep medicine specialist whose solution was blood pressure medication to sedate him at night. Yet, nothing actually solved the problems we were having…

natural detox for kids

bioray kids

That is when the suggestion that “this is just who he is” came. Recommendations to test for ADHD or autism in the near future and potentially add more medications to his regimen had me feeling like a TOTAL failure. Not to mention my husband and I felt as we were going totally crazy.

As a mom with a nursing background and passion for holistic health, this path didn’t sit well with me. The conventional treatments felt like band-aids that failed to address the root cause of his issues. It was during this time of desperation and LOTS of research that I stumbled upon the concept of a heavy metal detox for kids.

The more I learned, the more I was convinced that this was in fact not who my child was and we were dealing with heavy metal toxins and/or other unwanted organisms.

That’s when I found Bioray and their specialized kids’ products designed to gently and effectively remove heavy metals, unwanted organisms and other toxins from the body.

The idea that these detox drops could possibly address the underlying issues causing my son’s symptoms offered a glimmer of hope in what had felt like a dark tunnel.

After 3 long years, this was a turning point in our journey.

First Impressions and Usage

bioray happy
Starting our journey with Bioray was a mix of hope and skepticism. My initial feelings were iffy; we started with Bioray Kids “NDF Happy” (NDF= Natural Detox Factors) and the first week of usage didn’t show the miraculous changes I was wanting. Despite the discouragement, we pressed on. It was after this initial period of about a week- two weeks that we started noticing subtle changes.

Gradually, my son started waking up appearing more rested with energy that got him through the day. The bags under his eyes began to fade and I was getting less and less calls home about his behavior.


As days turned into weeks, I witnessed an unexpected transformation in his vocabulary. Words and phrases that he had never spoken started flowing with no effort and his ability to recall memories with clarity took me by surprise.

We committed to a full course of Bioray Kids products – NDF Calm, NDF Happy, and NDF Focus (and even added their NDF Tummy for probiotics and gut support) – allowing each to synergistically support his system in shedding his little body of heavy metals, unwanted organisms and other toxins that he may have accumulated.

bioray calm

Now, with a maintenance routine centered around NDF Calm, almost every day he wakes up with the energy and vibrancy of a child. He now sleeps through the night and is willing to try new foods that he has never once agreed to try before.

Bioray’s products have not only been the heavy metal detox for kids I was looking for, but these products have unlocked a level of well-being in my child that we had only hoped to achieve.



The Pros and Cons of Bioray Kids Products

Embarking on the journey of a heavy metal detox for kids with Bioray products is like to unlocking a treasure chest of answers for your child’s mental and physical health.

To be as transparent as possible about these products, lets go over the pro’s and con’s:




This HUGE change in my son’s well-being has opened our eyes to the power of a holistic approach to health. When traditional medicine couldn’t help him, functional medicine could.

Our positive experience has sparked our interest in Bioray’s range of products for not only kids, but teens and adults for my husband and I too. The quality and efficacy of all of their natural products have put our entire family in amazement.

For those interested in exploring these transformative products for you or any of your family members, use the coupon code:

Use code: Biohackers10

Please comment below if you plan on trying these products. And if you have, let us know what you think of them and all the different ways I KNOW they will help your child!

2 Responses

  1. Hello,
    We are using the Bioray products.
    It seems to be helping with behaviours…. But our boy has a lot of extra .. ahem… wind 💨. Did you experience this for the full course? Did you do 3