how to manifest

6 Manifestation Examples Guaranteed to Make Your Dream Life a Reality

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This post is all about manifestation examples you can use to create your dream life.


Are you tired of simply dreaming about your goals and aspirations without any progress towards achieving them? So were Hunter and I- when the goals that we had set for our lives kept getting further and further out of reach no matter how hard we tried. That’s when we came across the concept of Manifestation.


Manifestation is a powerful tool that can help turn your dreams into reality. By using manifestation examples such as visualizing goals, daily positive affirmations, vision boards, gratitude practice, acting as if and positive thinking, you can attract the dream life that you desire, just like we did here at The Holistic Biohackers.


In this blog post, we will explore 6 manifestation examples that will help you manifest your dreams and create the life of your dreams!


What is Manifestation?

manifestation techniques

Manifestation is the process of bringing your desired outcomes into reality through focused thought, belief, and action.


It operates on the principle that the energy and intentions you project into the universe directly influence what you attract and experience in life- better known as “The Law of Attraction” or similarly, “The Law of Assumption“.


These concepts teach us that our thoughts and emotions are powerful magnets that can draw specific circumstances, people, and opportunities towards us.


Manifestation isn’t about wishful thinking or hopeful dreaming, it’s an active, dynamic process that combines visualization, positivity, and practical steps towards achieving your goals.

affirmation examples

By consciously directing your focus and energies towards what you aspire to achieve, you engage with the universe in a co-creative process.


This not only empowers you to realize your dreams, but also aligns your everyday thoughts, feelings and actions with the life you aspire to be living.


Below, we will go over 6 of the different manifestation examples of methods which you can start incorporating in your life now that will change your life forever:


1.) Positive Thinking

how to manifest something

Positive thinking is not only step #1, but also the single most important step in the concept of manifesting what you want. Before moving on to any other manifestation technique,



If you are not thinking positively, you could be inadvertently creating barriers to achieving your dreams. This positive mindset acts as a strong foundation for all other manifestation techniques, building a bridge between your current reality and the desired future that you are aiming to manifest.


Positive thinking is not about dismissing or suppressing all of your negative thoughts; rather, it is an active engagement in embracing the negative thoughts that come (because they always will), accepting them, pushing them out of your mind and focusing on the positive.


Positive thinking not only affects your mindset, but also influences your actions and behaviors, setting a domino effect throughout your entire life. This optimistic outlook acts as a magnet; and according to The Law of Attraction, you will attract similar positive energies and opportunities into your life.


This concept is also about shifting how you perceive challenges and setbacks. Instead of viewing them as obstacles, it encourages seeing them as opportunities for growth and learning.


***This shift doesn’t happen overnight. It took us MONTHS to change our mindset; however, through consistent and mindful efforts, we chose optimism and positivity which has changed our outlook on life itself.


How to Think Positively:

Through difficult times, thinking positively may be the last thing you want to do. It may feel absolutely impossible and you may feel like sulking in the negativity is actually where you want to be.


However, the more you practice- even when you really don’t want to- the easier and quicker it will be to shift your mindset the next time.


1.) Start your day positively

Start your day by affirming positive self-talk and setting clear intentions. Wake up in the morning and with enthusiasm and repeat: “Today is going to be a great day!” (Even if it didn’t start off that way).


When negative thoughts pop into your head, envision accepting that negative thought, hugging it and then guiding the negative thought away. After you have guided that negative thought away, really focus on the positive and what is going RIGHT.


Read HERE for more on how to be a more positive person.


2.) Surround yourself with positivity

This includes spending your time with people who uplift and support you, engaging only in activities that bring you joy, and consuming media that inspires and motivates you.


If there is task in life that you absolutely hate doing (chores, getting your oil changed or even your job), try find a way to delegate it or change it! Life shouldn’t make your miserable.


By creating an environment that reflects the positivity you wish to embody, you reinforce your commitment to a life filled with happiness and success.


Positive thinking perfectly aligns with the concept of holistic wellness as it has been scientifically proven that positive thinking provides physical health benefits as well such as:

  • Increased immune function
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke
  • Reduced risk of death from cancer, respiratory conditions and infections


Thinking positively is about making a conscious choice to focus on the light, even when darkness surrounds you, believing in the possibility of a better tomorrow, and taking action to make that possibility a reality!


2.) Visualizing Goals


Visualizing goals stands as a cornerstone in the foundation of effective manifestation techniques. It harnesses the power of the mind to foster a vivid and compelling vision of achieving your objectives.


The process of visualizing your goals does more than just spark momentary inspiration; it activates a network of cognitive processes that gear your psyche towards action and achievement.


By vividly imagining the achievement of your goals, you engage the brain’s regions responsible for motivation, planning, and even motor control. This is very similar to mental rehearsal, where athletes visualize their performance beforehand to enhance their physical performance.


With visualization, you’re rehearsing life’s successes to prime your brain for the real thing!


How to Visualize:

1.) Find a quiet spot

Sit somewhere quiet at a time where there will be minimal to no distractions or outside noise.


2.) Imagine

Close your eyes and picture yourself in the moment of success—whether that’s crossing the finish line of a marathon, securing your dream job, or standing in the home you’ve always wanted. This mental imagery is not mere daydreaming; it is an intentional and proactive step toward making your dreams tangible. Pull from that imagination you had as a kid!


3.) Be detailed

Don’t just imagine a still image of what you want, actually visualize the moving aspects, similarly to a movie you watch on tv.


Focus on specific details such as the color of your shirt, what does it smell like, what people are doing in the background, how the situation is making you feel, etc. The more detailed your vision is, the more impactful this exercise will be.


Do this until you have fully imagined from start to finish what you want to manifest.


HELPFUL TIPS: To enhance the visualization process, some find it helpful to create a physical representation of their goals, such as a picture or symbol, to serve as a daily reminder of what they’re striving towards. Others use guided visualization apps or recordings to help structure their practice and deepen the experience.


By regularly engaging in this practice, you not only reinforce your determination and commitment but also open your mind to the possibilities and opportunities needed to make your dreams a reality.


3.) Positive Affirmations


Positive affirmations are used to guide your thoughts and energy towards the fulfillment of your desires.


By creating and repeating affirmations that resonate with your goals, you’re not only programming your subconscious to seek out success, but also inviting an influx of positive energy into your life.


These affirmations, simple yet powerful statements, affirm your beliefs, intentions, and your unwavering faith in your ability to achieve what you desire.


How to Incorporate Daily Positive Affirmations:

  • Begin by thinking of affirmations that align with you manifestation goals.
  • Avoid “stock” affirmations and specifically personalize them to your own goals.
  • Say them in the present tense, as if you have already achieved them.


Some examples of Hunter and I’s positive affirmations are: “I am a successful real estate investor”, “I am becoming smarter with my research every single day” and “I am worthy of all great things”.


 Below are a few ways to incorporate this into your daily routine. Choose which one works best for you:


1.) Saying them

Reciting them out loud in a powerful and confident tone, let the vibrations of your voice reverberate the positivity into the universe.


2.) Writing them down

Write them in a dedicated journal or text them to someone (what we do). This is a great way to save your every day affirmations to repeat them later on and also to visualize the words to increase the imprinting on your subconscious mind.


3.) Meditating

Meditating with these affirmations (or using them as your mantra) can instill a deep sense of tranquility and positive anticipation.


Choose the method that resonates with you the most and remain persistent in your practice.


When using positive affirmations, you are reshaping your internal dialogue, transforming negative thought patterns into a fertile ground for positivity and success.


This shift in mindset is crucial, as it directly influences your actions, reactions, and your overall approach to life’s hurdles and opportunities.

The key is consistency and belief in the words you’re declaring. It’s not merely about recitation; it’s about feeling the truth in your affirmations and letting them resonate deeply within you.


4.) Vision Boards

manifestation methods

Vision boards serve as an inspiring canvas where your dreams take visual form.


This manifestation example leverages the power of imagery to cement your aspirations into your daily consciousness.


Creating a vision board involves compiling images, phrases, and symbols that represent the future you are striving to manifest. It’s a creative and enjoyable process that transforms your goals into a tangible and observable format, providing constant motivation and reinforcement of your desires.


This study by The Journal of Research and Personality found that visuals, such as the ones found on vision boards, lead to increased positivity, commitment to your goals and progression of those goals getting you close to achieving them.


How to Create a Vision Board:

1.) Clarify your visions

Start by clarifying your specific vision and what you are trying to manifest. It can be one specific thing or an entirely new life.


2.) Gather your supplies

You will need material to put your visions on (fridge, cork board, poster board, etc), access to a printer, scissors, material to attach your visions (glue, pins, magnets, etc) and any other material that aligns with what you are trying to manifest.


3.) Find your visions

Use Google, Pinterest and other search tools to gather images, pictures and words to put on your vision board. Choose images that provoke strong positive and motivational emotions and words that inspire you.


4.) Create your vision board

Print and arrange your images, pictures, words and other materials on the vision board exactly how you like it. There is no certain way to do this; just exactly the way that brings you the most joy!


5.) Display your vision board

The last step is to display your vision board in a place in your home where you will come across it every day. Hunter’s vision board is in the bathroom where he brushes his teeth and mine is right above my desk where I work.


As you pass this vision board throughout your day, be sure to stop and look at what you have created. This continuous interaction reinforces your desires within your subconscious, thereby aligning your thoughts and actions towards achieving those goals.


As you add new dreams or achieve current ones, your board evolves with your journey. This evolution is a visual testament to your progress, highlighting the power of manifestation in action. It encourages a mindset of abundance and gratitude, further amplifying your capacity to attract your desires.


5.) Practicing Gratitude

does manifesting work

Practicing gratitude is more than just saying “thank you” for the good in your life- it’s a transformative manifestation technique that shifts your focus from what’s lacking, to the abundance that already exists around you.


By consciously acknowledging and appreciating the good things in your life, whether big or small, you minimize the not-so-good, raising your vibrational frequency attracting even more positivity into your life.


How to Practice Gratitude:

1.) Saying it

Speak these out loud with conviction, being fully present in the moment and allowing yourself to genuinely feel the gratitude within your heart. This emotional connection adds more power to your practice and enhances your manifesting abilities.


2.) Writing them down

Starting a daily gratitude journal or texting the things you are grateful for to someone you love is a great way to keep track of your progress and have a gratitude visualization.


Read HERE for more on how to start a gratitude journal.


3.) Put them on your vision board

Adding images or text that represent gratitude on your vision board helps to visually capture the things you’re thankful for.


You can cut out pictures, write out words, or even draw symbols that represent the abundance in your life. When placed in the right spot, this board can serve as a daily reminder of your blessings- anchoring you in positivity.


4.) Practice gratitude throughout your day

This can be as simple as pausing to appreciate a cup of coffee, the beauty of nature around you, or a spontaneous act of kindness.


Additionally, making a conscious effort to say thank you in your daily interactions encourages positivity.


5.) Volunteer or donate

Engaging in volunteer work or donating to a cause that you believe in not only benefits the community, but it also fosters a deep sense of gratitude within yourself.


These acts of generosity provide a tangible connection to the positive impact you can have, and they cultivate an awareness of your ability to contribute to the well-being of others, deepening your sense of appreciation and fulfillment.


This practice isn’t limited to the moments when life is going smoothly; just like thinking positively, it’s especially powerful during challenging times. By finding things to be grateful for in the midst of adversity, you’re not denying the difficulty of the situation, you’re choosing to highlight the potential for growth and the presence of support along your journey.


Practicing gratitude is a wonderful reminder that even in moments of scarcity or challenge, there is always something to be grateful for.


6.) Acting As If

manifestation affirmations

“Acting as if” revolves around the philosophy of embodying the emotions, attitudes, and behaviors of your future successful self, even before your dreams have physically materialized.


It’s a proactive stance that bridges the gap between your current reality and the future you aspire to, by aligning your present self with the vibrations of your desired outcomes.


How to “Act As If”:

1.) Visualize

Start by visualizing the achievements of your future self. Identify key attributes about that version of you including your routine, your priorities, your habits, your attitudes, etc.


2.) Act accordingly

Next, gradually begin to incorporate these attributes into your life NOW. Make a conscious effort to think, act, and react as your future self would.


3.) Fully immerse yourself

If your dream is to become a renowned author, begin to adopt the habits and mindset of a successful writer. This could involve setting a daily writing routine, joining writer’s groups, or even carrying yourself with the confidence of someone who’s work is already acclaimed.


Fully immerse yourself in how you would think, act and feel if your dreams were a reality. As crazy as you may feel, the more into it you get, the more effect it will have!


The essence of ‘Acting As If’ lies in creating an energetic match between you and your aspirations, making you a magnet for the opportunities and resources that will turn your dreams into reality.


NOTE: It’s important to approach this practice with authenticity and a grounded sense of reality. While embodying the confidence and success of your future self, stay present and responsive to the actual steps needed to achieve your goals.


Acting as if is a very powerful manifestation technique that has worked for not only us here at The Holistic Biohackers but for MANY others. This shift in mindset not only influences your self-perception but also affects how others perceive and interact with you, opening doors to endless amounts of new opportunities.


Here are some book recommendations we have that have completely changed our perspective and have encouraged us to utilize manifestation as a life strategy:

The Secret By Rhonda Byrne

Hardcover, paperback or audiobook available.

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09/13/2024 06:49 am GMT
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Hardcover, paperback and audiobook available.

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09/13/2024 03:56 pm GMT

most powerful manifestation technique

From the practice of visualizing your achievements to the daily repetition of positive affirmations, creating vision boards, cultivating gratitude, embodying the essence of your future self, setting clear intentions, and fostering an attitude of positive thinking, each method offers a unique pathway to drawing closer to your desired outcomes.


The beauty of these approaches lies in their versatility, the fact that they can be tailored to fit your personal aspirations and each of their ability to be used in conjunction with one another.


By engaging with these practices regularly, you’re not merely hoping for change; you’re actively participating in the creation of your own future.


As you move forward, keep these manifestation examples close at hand, allowing them to guide and inspire you. Embrace the journey with an open heart and mind, ready to receive the abundance that awaits.


With dedication, persistence, and a positive outlook, there’s no limit to what you can achieve!

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